Resurrection Eggs - #10 Cream Egg
Excerpts taken from Resurrection Eggs - The Easter Story for Children by Family Life's Randal Lee Walti
Linen -
Read Matthew 27:57-61 Some Jewish leaders secretly believed that Jesus was the Messiah (their Savior) and didn't want anyone to know. Both Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus, members of the Sanhedrin, were afraid that if anyone knew that they believed Jesus to be the Son of God, they might be killed also. However, it seems that when Jesus died on the Cross, they could hide no longer. It's exciting to know that Joseph of Arimathea loved Jesus so much he was willing to put his own life in danger. Joseph went to Pilate to request the body of Jesus so he could bury Jesus the right was in a tomb that he owned. He took the body to the tomb and wrapped it in linen cloth, according to the custom of that time. The LINEN reminds us of the cloth used by Joseph of Arimathea to wrap Jesus' body after He died on the Cross.
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